To deliver quality first teaching, through an engaging and relevant curriculum with high expectations for all, that enables children to succeed and raise their aspirations
To provide a nurturing and stimulating environment that supports and celebrates learning – Nurture, stimulate, celebrate
To be a learning community which encompasses creativity, independence, resilience, diversity and a passion for learning
To enable our children to develop the essential skills for a safe, happy, emotionally and economically secure life
To be at the heart of our locality by working in partnership with families and the wider community.
At Minerva School we are committed to ensuring equal treatment for all, including those with any form of disability. By ‘all’ we mean anyone involved in the school community including employees, pupils, parents, carers and governors.
We will reduce and eliminate the barriers to accessing the curriculum and will ensure full participation in the school community for pupils, and prospective pupils, with a disability. We will reduce and eliminate barriers to adults with a disability, be they staff, parents, carers, governors and all prospective individuals to ensure their full participation in the life of the school.
We aim to develop a culture of inclusion and diversity in which people feel confident about disclosing their disabilities in the certain knowledge that they will receive a positive and supportive response which facilitates their full participation in the full range of activities offered by our school.
We seek to foster a positive response to disability among all members in our school community and to eliminate bullying, harassment or the less favourable treatment of people with disabilities wherever and whenever it is likely to occur.
The school recognises and values parents’ knowledge of their child’s disability and its effect on their ability to carry out normal activities, and respects the parents’ and child’s right to confidentiality.
The school provides all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, differentiated and adjusted to meet the needs of individual pupils and their preferred learning styles, and endorses the key principles in the National Curriculum 2014 Framework:
Although this plan is a requirement for pupils, the school also has duty to staff and visitors, who will benefit from any amendments, in particular in relation to the building access.
The SEN and Disability Act 2001 extended the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) to cover education. The Trust has had three key duties towards disabled pupils, under Part 4 of the DDA:
This plan sets out the proposals of the Proprietor/Governing Body of the school to increase access to education for disabled pupils in the three areas required by the planning duties in the DDA:
It is a requirement that the school’s accessibility plan is resourced, implemented, reviewed and revised as necessary and reported on annually. Attached is a set of action plans showing how the school will address the priorities identified in the plan.
Minerva is a mainstream school for children aged 2-11years. The school compromises of one main building plus an annexe; both are single storey. Originally built as an infant school the buildings have been extended and adapted over the last fifty years. There are different levels within the school with steps to different parts of the building. Access for those using a wheelchair is often difficult and certain parts of the building are currently in accessible. A building project is due to be completed during the 2020/21 academic year which will improve accessibility in the ETYFS part of the building.
We aim to ask about any disability or health condition in early communications with new parents and carers as part of our school admission procedure.
Many entrances to the school are either flat or ramped and have wide doors. There are a number of automatic doors within the school. There are disabled toilet facilities available fitted with a handrail and a pull emergency cord. The school has internal emergency signage and escape routes are clearly marked.
There are only four rooms disabled pupils have no access to and these are used by older pupils
We support pupils with both physical disabilities and learning needs to access areas of the curriculum they find difficult. Where PE is a challenge for physically impaired pupils we seek expert advice for identified individual needs.
We consult with experts when new situations regarding pupils with disabilities are experienced.
Our key aims are to provide:
Priority | Lead | Strategy / Action | Resources | Timescale | Success Criteria |
Effective communication and engagement with parents | HoS / SENDCo | SEND report adapted to make it more accessible to parents. Regular telephone contact for parents who struggle to make meetings or attend the school site. | SENDCO time | Ongoing with yearly update of SEND report published each January. | Parents feel informed about the provision available and support we can offer their child. Parents feel informed about their child’s progress and attainment in school |
Training for staff on increasing access for all children | Trust SENDCo | Any new staff receive Positive Handling training; Attachment training
Resilience and Wellbeing training free with EP service Autumn Term |
Staff time for PDM Additional extra time cost for support staff | Autumn term 2020 | Staff feel confident and staff survey gives high rating for training. |
Effective use of resources to increase access to the curriculum for all children | HoS / SENDCo | SENDCo to ensure resources and strategies are cited in all assessment reports for CT’s.
Review of the use of resources to be undertaken with CT to ensure effectiveness for each pupil. |
Small budget for consumable resources
e.g. pencil grips, chewlery, sensory / fidget toys |
Autumn 2020 | Assessment reports evidence resources to be used in class.
A range of resources to be accessible and in use in all classrooms. Children are able to choose and name resources they find helpful. |
Adaptations to the curriculum to meet the needs of all children | Class teachers | Concrete apparatus available in all classes; visual timetables | Staff awareness training | Ongoing | All children able to access the full curriculum |
Appropriate use of specialised equipment to the benefit of individual children | Class teachers / LSAs / SENDCo | Effective sourcing of specialised equipment. Effective training for use of equipment | Resources under £500 come out of school budget – it would be | Autumn each year | Staff and pupils confident in using specialised equipment |
delivered to appropriate staff. | wise to have budget for this | ||||
Improve educational experiences for children with significant speech impairment | Class teachers / LSAs | Whole class speech programme in EYFS Word of the day in older classes to increase vocab; key vocabulary identified in knowledge organisers Daily Teacher reading to whole class/groups Paired reading classes where older children support younger children | Application to join NELI project | October 2020 | |
All out of school activities and after school clubs are planned to ensure reasonable adjustments are made to enable participation of all children | All staff / sports coaches | No restriction placed on children eligible to attend | Activities funded by the PE and PPG grants | From September 2020 | All children who wish to access after school activities are able to do so |
Priority | Lead | Strategy / Action | Resources | Timescale | Success Criteria |
Provision of wheelchair accessible toilets | Trust Estates and Contracts Manager | In place | |||
Access into school to be fully compliant | Trust Estates and Contracts Manager | Plans associated with Nursery refurbishment project | Within DfE grant allocation | By Summer 2021 | The EYFS classroom are more accessible through external entrances |
Improve signage to indicate access routes around the school | Office Manager and Caretaker | Review existing signs and update | Printing costs | By October 2020 | Routes around the school site clear and accessible |
Maintain safe access around exterior of the school | Caretaker | Remove any obstacles | Cost of skip | By October 2020 | All obstructions removed |
Personal Evacuation Plans (PEPS) are completed for children who are identified as requiring one | SENDCo | Pupils to be identified Support from PIMST requested where needed
Plans drawn up and shared with staff and parents PEPS reviewed, at least, yearly. |
SENDCo time | Ongoing | PEPs in place for all pupils who require one Evidence that PEPs are reviewed at least yearly. |
Priority | Lead | Strategy / Action | Resources | Timescale | Success Criteria |
Availability to information for parents in accessible language | Head of School | Review all documentation and amend to make more accessible | HoS time Printing costs | Ongoing | Parents report that communication is good |
Additional regular meetings with parents for children who have an EHCP | SENDCo | Meetings, at least termly set. | Planned time set aside for meetings | Meetings evidenced within the Plan Do Review Paperwork | |
Identify early those children who are allocated a place at Minerva for the following academic year | EY Area SENDCo / SENDCo | ET area SENDCo and SENDCo to communicate in Spring term regarding pupils identified through MAISEY
SENDCo to make contact with feeder settings to identify needs of pupils. |
Planned time set aside for possible visits to pre school settings including on site nursery | ongoing | Children consistently identified and provision in place in readiness for them starting school |
Maintain close liaison with external agencies for children who have additional needs | SENDCo | Keep a note of review dates for pupils and ensure these are completed in a timely manner.
Attending training with agencies where needed/relevant. Attending EP and SENCO meetings where other agencies are regularly in attendance. |
SENDCo, Behaviour lead, safeguarding officer and HoS time | Ongoing | School is bale to access expertise an resources to meet need |
Ensuring information on school website if both accurate and up to date. | Trust SENDCo / SENDCo/ HoS | Yearly review of information on the website | HoS and SENDCo time | Ongoing | School site is “Compliant” with
County and website regulations. |
Update at least yearly SEND information and staff information Ensure the County Local Offer is up to date and correctly linked to school website. |