Dear parents and carers,
What a fantastic start! Thank you all for your support with the home visits: they were very successful and we are really getting to know the children. It has been very positive to see them so happy starting school.
First, a few reminders:
Please remember to use Parentmail to order school dinners. Meals are free for Reception and Key Stage One classes but they must be ordered the week before.
After-school clubs will start next week once the children are in full-time.
It’s been lovely to see all the children looking so smart in their uniforms. Can we please ask for all items of clothing to be clearly labelled.
Our Class Dojo is now be set up: please come and see us if you have any questions/issues. The children are very excited about their Dojo and enjoy receiving their points. We will also use Dojo to communicate with you, both class and individual news. Please message us if you have any questions or concerns.
Finally, there has been some confusion regarding the date the children start full time. The children’s first full day is Monday 23rd September and they will finish at 3.15pm.
Again… well done to all the children for such a successful start!
Kind regards
Mrs Perry & Ms Cosens