
Welcome to Minerva Nursery

We are proud to be part of Minerva Primary School.

We offer a very high quality of education for two-, three- and four-year-olds, equipping them with the skills they require for ‘big school’ and their lives ahead. Amongst our team of practitioners, we have a qualified teacher and four other members of staff.

We run daily sessions from 9am-12pm and 12pm-3pm. Breakfast club is available free of charge to our nursery school children from 8.15am to 9am. This is not included in the 15 hours Early Years Entitlement. Breakfast club places must be booked in advance on Parentmail.

We have both indoor and outdoor learning zones, which give our children plenty of space to enjoy their learning and a variety of experiences to learn from.

You can claim up to 15 hours per week through the Early Years Entitlement funding for children aged three and over and in some cases for children aged two. The maximum number of hours per funding year you can claim is 570 hours. If your child attends more than 15 hours a per week or 570 hours per year, you will need to pay fees for the extra hours. Some children may be eligible for extended funding of up to 30 hours per week.

We have a notice period of 4 weeks for any change to your child’s attendance pattern.

Nursery Manager – Beccy Turner
Nursery Support Staff – Kirsty Bates, Anna Regan, Becky Knight

Please contact the nursery on [email protected].

Nursery fees 2024-25

Hourly rate
Two year olds £6.50
Three and four year olds £5.63

NOTE: Please note that where a child turns three years old during the course of a term, we will continue to charge at the two-year-old hourly rate for the duration of that term. The lower hourly rate will commence from the term following the child’s third birthday.

For more information, please read our Nursery Fees Policy.

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Minerva Primary School
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Minerva Primary School is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590