Bath Place Class Swimming

Dear Parents and Carers,  

We are very pleased to be able to provide swimming at Blackbrook Pavilion Pool this term. This meets with the National Curriculum Physical Education Programme.  

Bath Place class (Year 6) will attend swimming lessons on a weekly basis for 10 weeks from Monday 13th January until Monday 31st March. The children will travel to Blackbrook swimming pool during the afternoon, and will be back for the end of the school day.   

The cost of this activity is being subsidised by the school and the voluntary contribution for each pupil is £2.50 per week. If you prefer, you can pay the whole £25 for this term’s swimming in one go.   

All payments need to be made via your child’s ParentMail account.  

All fully completed consent forms need to be completed and returned by 3.15pm on Friday 10th January 2025. 

Please note that children must wear appropriate costumes and bring a towel. Girls should wear a one-piece costume, not two-piece, and boys should wear trunks, not long Bermuda shorts. Please ensure that all swimming kits are named.  

Unfortunately, those children who fail to return the consent form will not be able to attend until the consent form is fully completed and returned.  

Yours faithfully  


Mr Gareth Nation

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