Records Retention Policy

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Date Approved - June 2024
Approved By - CLF Board
Full PDF Policy

History of Recent Policy Changes





Origin of Change

Sep 2024
1.1 Admission registers
Increase in retention periods from 3 to 6 years
Origin of Change
Policy review
Sep 2024
1.2 Attendance registers
Increase in retention periods from 3 to 6 years
Origin of Change
Policy review
Sep 2024
15.1 Governance records
Increase in retention period of Governance meeting notes / minutes
Origin of Change
Legislation change


This policy sets out a structured approach to reviewing and destroying records in relation to Cabot Learning Federation (the Federation).

The retention period for each type of record is shown in the table below. In addition, data protection legislation makes it unlawful to keep the information when it is no longer needed for the purpose for which it is held.  This requirement is uncertain and allows discretion and may vary according to the circumstances, but in practice it means that the Federation should promptly destroy the record once the retention period in the table below has been reached.  Occasionally there may be special circumstances which mean that a record should be kept for longer (for example where there is a risk of litigation or a request from an outside body such as the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) see below).  The Federation should refer to its insurance policies and further legal advice should be sought in these circumstances.

The retention periods stated in the table below are the minimum storage requirements, in practice the Federation carries out a data cleanse of its files every 12 months. Accordingly, a 3 year retention period means 3 years plus up to 12 months to allow the Federation to securely dispose of the information.

Information must be securely deleted. This applies to paper records, electronic information and biometric information.

This policy does not apply to records connected with commercial activities.

The Federation will discuss document retention with its insurers (who may specify longer retention periods). If there is any conflict then any longer retention periods specified by the insurers should prevail.

If an email falls into one of the categories set out in the table then it should be filed centrally as soon as is reasonable.

“Routine” emails which do not fall into any of the categories in the table may be kept in inboxes for up to 1 year and should then be deleted. An examples of a routine email is an internal email advising staff that the weekly meeting is cancelled.

Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA):

The IICSA has issued retention instructions to a range of institutions regarding records relating to the care of children. In light of this, we are advising schools to temporarily cease the routine destruction of those records which might be relevant to the Inquiry in case they are requested by the Inquiry or made subject to a disclosure order.  This means that before destroying any document the Federation should consider if it contains information that may fall within the Inquiry’s remit.

The range of documentation which might need to be kept is wide. It will include any information linked to alleged or established child sexual abuse, whether by staff, volunteers or pupils with no limitation date.  For example, a list of pupils who attended an overnight school trip or admission registers which show which pupils were at the Federation at a given time.  As such, documents should be kept for longer than the retention periods listed in the policy if they concern information which might be relevant to the Inquiry.  The Federation should therefore review the retention periods under each of the rows below in case they are relevant to IICSA.

Please note that the Federation should keep this under review so that it recommences document destruction at the appropriate time.

Archiving in the public interest:

Section 12.2 of the policy provides for the retention of personal data for reasons of archiving in the public interest for an indefinite period. The Federation should only keep documents indefinitely for archiving if it is complying with the relevant aspects of data protection legislation as detailed below.

There is an archiving in the public interest exemption under the GDPR which allows personal data to be:

  • kept for longer than usual; and
  • used for purposes which are incompatible with the purposes for which it was originally obtained.

The Federation should satisfy itself that this exemption applies if it keeps personal data for archiving reasons. Broadly speaking, the exemption will apply if:

  • the personal data is being kept for reasons of archiving in the public interest e.g. enabling academic historical research or genealogical research or enabling educational use;
  • the personal data will not be used for the purposes of measures or decisions with respect to a particular data subject. For example, the personal data could not be used to check whether an individual was entitled to join the alumni association; and
  • the use of the personal data is not likely to cause substantial damage or substantial distress to a data subject.

When relying on this exemption the Federation must put certain safeguards in place. What amounts to appropriate safeguards will depend on what information is being retained and you may wish to take legal advice on this point.

The Federation should also be aware that a recital to the GDPR (albeit which is not legally binding) states that organisations which rely on this exemption should be under a legal obligation to archive and to provide access to the records. However, the National Archives’ (a non-ministerial government department) position is that in the UK no such legal obligation is required and the archives do not need to be made publicly available.

The Federation should ensure that its privacy notices for staff, pupils and parents cover the retention of their personal data indefinitely for reasons of archiving in the public interest.

If the Federation has any questions or concerns about particular documents we would be pleased to advise further. Please note that this specific advice would fall outside of the fixed fee for this policy.

The Federation should also have particular regard to the paragraph above regarding IICSA before destroying any records. If in doubt, legal advice should be sought.

Retention Periods

Record Retention period Action at the end of the retention period Retention period required by law?
1 Pupils  
1.1 Admission registers
(however held)
Six years from the date of the last entry Review for further retention in the case of contentious dispute

SHRED/DELETE or delete copies and including back-ups and copies

1.2 Attendance registers
(however held)
Six years from the date of the last entry Review for further retention in the case of contentious dispute

SHRED/DELETE including back-ups and copies

1.3 Child protection records DOB of the pupil + 50 years Review for further retention in the case of contentious dispute



1                     Child protection information must be copied and sent under separate cover to the new school whilst the child is still under 18.  Federations should ensure secure transit and confirmation of receipt should be obtained

2                     Where a child is removed from roll to be educated at home, the file should be copied to the Local Authority (LA)

3                    In accordance with the terms of reference of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse all schools are required to retain information which relates to allegations (substantiated or not) of organisations and individuals who may have been involved in, or have knowledge of child sexual abuse or child sexual exploitation; allegations (substantiated or not) of individuals having engaged in sexual activity with, or having a sexual interest in, children; institutional failures to protect children from sexual abuse or other exploitation.  50 years from the date of birth of the pupil involved should be a sufficient period of retention but this should be kept under review

1.4 Biometric information
(e.g. fingerprints to be used as part of an automated biometric recognition system)
For as long as the Federation requires the information for the automated biometric recognition system This information must not be kept for longer than it is needed.  The information must be destroyed if the pupil no longer uses the system including when they leave the Federation, where the parent or pupil withdraws consent or the pupil objects to its use


1.5 Medical records held by the Federation DOB of the pupil + 25 years; or

Six years from the date of an incident which may become contentious if the pupil was 18 years old at the date of the incident

Whichever is the longer

The 25 year period is based on the fact that once the child turns 18 years old they have a certain amount of time (known as a limitation period) in which to bring claims against the Federation.  The longest of these limitation periods is six years, albeit that some periods can be extended by the courts

Review for further retention in the case of contentious disputes


1.6 Counselling records held by the Federation DOB of the pupil + 25 years; or

Six years from the date of an incident which may become contentious if the pupil was 18 years old at the date of the incident

Whichever is the longer

Review for further retention in the case of contentious disputes



1.7 Records held on the equivalent of a Students Personal Drive or My Documents Folder One year from the date of leaving the Academy SHRED / DELETE No
1.8 Free School Meal Applications End of the school year in which the application was made + 6 years SHRED / DELETE No
1.9 Pupil Data Collection Forms End of school year + 6 years SHRED / DELETE No
2 Pupil files  
2.1 Pupil files (including public examination scripts, marks & results) DOB of the pupil + 25 years; or

Six years from the date of an incident which may become contentious if the pupil was 18 years old at the date of the incident

Whichever is the longer

Review for further retention in the case of contentious disputes, for example, parental complaints, disciplinary matters, pupil exclusions, bullying incidents and subject access requests



1                     When reviewing pupil files, the Federation should have regard to other applicable sections of this policy

2                     Any examination certificates left unclaimed should be returned to the appropriate Examination Board

2.2 Internal examination scripts, marks and results Scripts:

Scripts from weekly or monthly tests: Keep until the end of the next term.

Whichever is the longer

Scripts from termly or yearly tests: Keep until the end of the next academic year.

Marks & results:

If the purpose of the test is to progress the child (either internally or externally) then keep marks & results in accordance with the retention periods and guidance set out in row 2.1 above.

If the purpose of the test is for general internal assessment of academic performance then keep marks & results for the same period as the scripts themselves.

Keep for longer in accordance with the retention periods and guidance set out in row 2.1 above if risk of contentious disputes, for example, parental complaints, disciplinary matters, pupil exclusions, bullying incidents and subject access requests. No
2.3 Special Educational Needs files, reviews and Individual Education Plans DOB of the pupil + 25 years; or

Six years from the date of an incident which may become contentious if the pupil was 18 years old at the date of the incident

Whichever is the longer

Review for further retention in the case of contentious disputes


2.4 Statement of Special Education Needs & Disabilities (SEND) and Education Healthcare  Plans (EHCP) Statements of SEND (including appendices) and EHCP should never be retained once the pupil has left the Federation SHRED/DELETE unless legal action pending

The Statement / Plan belongs to the LA which makes and maintains the Statement / Plan

2.5 Letters authorising absence Three years from the date of the last entry on the attendance register SHRED/DELETE No
3 Permissions  
3.1 Parental permission slips for school trips – where there has been no major incident, accident, injury or near miss involving anyone on the trip Conclusion of the trip + three years Review for further retention in the case of contentious disputes otherwise SHRED/DELETE No
3.2 Parental permission slips for school trips – where there has been a major incident, accident, injury or near miss involving anyone on the trip DOB of the pupil involved in the incident + 25 years; or

Six years from the date of the incident if the pupil was 18 years old at the date of the incident

Whichever is the longer

The permission slips for all pupils on the trip may need to be retained to show that the rules had been followed for all pupils

Review for further retention in the case of relevance to contentious disputes.


4 Admission department  
4.1 Admission documents, including  enrolment forms Six years from date of leaving the Federation Review for further retention in the case of contentious disputes


4.2 Admissions documents relating to applicants who did not join the Federation We suggest that one year would be reasonable (subject to requirements for admission appeal documents – see below), however, this is at the  Federation’s discretion.  If there is a risk that parents or a pupil might bring a claim against the Federation then the documents should be retained.

The documents can be kept for as long as the Federation considers that they are required, subject to the Federation’s obligation not to keep the documents for longer than is necessary

4.3 Documents relating to admission appeal proceedings At least two years Review for further retention in the case of relevance to contentious disputes.



5 Employment  
5.1 Employment or personnel records, including  contracts of employment,  changes to terms and condition, disciplinary matters, grievance procedures For at least six years after date of termination of employment

For at least 12 years after date of termination if any of the documents were signed as a deed

If on a date no earlier than six years after the termination date there has been no recent contact from the relevant individual and no apparent breach of contract claim, dispose securely of documentation unless any child protection concerns.  Records of anyone with child protection concerns (even if not proved) should be retained No
5.2 Single central register (SCR) There is no legal requirement to keep the SCR entry for staff who have left as it ceases to be relevant for inspection purposes.  Many schools move the entry on to an archive register whilst others keep a list of the checks carried out on the personnel file instead and retain that in accordance with their retention policy.  As there is no statutory requirement to keep this information in this form it should only be kept for as long as is necessary.  As it ceases to be relevant for inspection purposes the Federation should consider and document why it is necessary to keep it for a particular length of time.  Should the Federation be notified of a historic abuse claim or  should a former member of staff commit offences elsewhere the Federation may need to demonstrate that it carried out all required checks prior to work starting, when they were carried and out and by whom.  This information could also be requested in relation to the IICSA.  As a consequence best advice is to retain the SCR entry for each former member of staff indefinitely either on an archive SCR or within the personnel file. Review whether further retention is necessary.  If so, these reasons must be documented. If not SHRED/DELETE No
5.3 Records and documents relating to membership of and contributions to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme Indefinitely Review whether further retention is necessary.  Decisions in relation to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme may have ramifications beyond six years, and may be queried at any time by members and the Teachers’ Pension Scheme No
5.4 Employment references received and references provided (where no safeguarding concerns have arisen or are known) While employment continues and at least up to six years after employment terminates Consider whether any recent reference requests for the relevant individual have been received.

If any concerns are/have been raised by social services or other agencies see 5.5 below.


5.5 Employment reference where an individual’s employment ended for a safeguarding reason or where safeguarding was outstanding at the time of termination At least for 10 years after  the person has retired or until the individual reaches the age of 75, whichever is the later Consider whether any recent reference requests for the relevant individual or new concerns raised by social services or other agencies


5.6 Working time opt‑out forms Two years from the date on which they were entered into SHRED/DELETE Yes
5.7 Records to show compliance with the Working Time Regulations Two years after the relevant period SHRED/DELETE Yes
5.8 Payroll and wage records

These include records of:

•Details on overtime.



•Benefits in kind.

Six years from the financial year end in which payments are made SHRED/DELETE Yes
5.9 PAYE Records Three years in addition to the current year (however it may be sensible to keep them for six years as they may fall within the definition of payroll and wage records). SHRED/DELETE Yes
5.10 Maternity/paternity records

These include:

•Records regarding Maternity payments made save for where those include payroll records.

•Maternity certificates showing the expected week of confinement

Three years after the end of the tax year in which the maternity pay period ends SHRED/DELETE Yes
5.11 Sickness records required for the purposes of Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) During employment and for a period of three years after employment has ended and to be kept separate from absence records which merely demonstrate the dates absent and not the health issue. SHRED/DELETE Yes
5.12 Records in relation to hours worked and payments made to workers For a period of three years beginning with the last day of the following month to which the records relate SHRED/DELETE Yes
5.13 Consents for the processing of personal data and sensitive personal data (known as special category personal data under the GDPR) For as long as the data is being processed and up to six years afterwards

For consent to be valid it must be “freely given”.  This is often difficult to evidence in an employment context owing to the imbalance in the relationship between the Federation and the employee.  Therefore, the Federation should be very careful before asking employees to consent to their data being used in a particular way.  In the vast majority of cases it is not necessary to obtain the employee’s consent before using their personal data.

5.14 Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and disclosures of criminal record forms The physical DBS certificate will never be retained or copied in any circumstance.

The DBS information – certificate, date, initials, will be recorded on the Single Central Register.

If the DBS is completed by the CLF and is clear the snapshot from protocol will be kept on employee personnel file or volunteer/visitor file.

If the DBS is not completed by CLF and is clear the details will be recorded on a form which will be stored in volunteer/visitor file.

If there are convictions on the DBS, this information will be recorded in a file note along with the rationale to proceed with recruitment. This will be recorded on employee personnel file or volunteer/visitor file.

Candidates applying for roles will be asked to declare any relevant convictions. Details of these will be recorded in the application form and any interview notes.




As per above for Single Central Register (5.2)



This will be destroyed when file is destroyed as per this retention policy.




This will be destroyed when file is destroyed as per this retention policy.



This will be destroyed when file is destroyed as per this retention policy.

This will be destroyed when file is destroyed as per this retention policy.

5.15 Immigration checks Throughout employment and then retained for two years after the termination of employment SHRED/DELETE Yes
5.16 Recruitment records of unsuccessful candidates Six months after notifying unsuccessful candidates in order to demonstrate, if required, the fairness and transparency of the recruitment process SHRED/DELETE No
5.17 Personnel and training records Whilst employment continues and up to six years after employment ceases SHRED/DELETE No
5.18 Annual leave records Six years or possibly longer if leave can be carried over from year to year SHRED/DELETE No
5.19 Collective
/ workforce agreements
Permanently or six years after the agreement comes to an end SHRED/DELETE No
5.20 Works Council minutes Permanently N/A No
5.21 An Employee’s bank details Until last payment made SHRED/DELETE No
5.22 Travel and subsistence claims. Whilst employment continues and up to six years after employment ends SHRED/DELETE  
5.23 Records of advances for season tickets and loans to employees Whilst employment continues and up to six years after repayment or end of employment SHRED/DELETE No
5.24 Death Benefit Nomination and Revocation Forms Whilst employment continues and up to six years after payment of benefit








5.25 Records held on the equivalent of a Staff members Personal Drive or My Documents Folder One year from the date of leaving the Academy


These directories should not include personal information about the staff member or pupils so should not form part of their employment record or details relating to safe guarding or pupil management.

6 Health and safety information – employees  
6.1 Reportable injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences (RIDDOR) reports or own record Three years from the date of record

If disease – indefinitely (recommended)


Review for further retention in the case of enforcement action or contentious disputes


6.2 First aid / accident book entry Three years from the date of injury or last record in the book

If disease – indefinitely

Review for further retention in the case of enforcement action or contentious disputes SHRED/DELETE Yes
6.3 Records of maintenance, examination and test control measures relating to substances hazardous to health under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regime Five years Review for further retention in the case of enforcement action contentious disputes SHRED/DELETE Yes
6.4 Health records for licensable  asbestos work At least 40 years from the date if the last entry Review for further retention in the case of enforcement action contentious disputes


6.5 Medical surveillance certificate for licensable asbestos work At least four years from the date it was issued Review for further retention in the case of enforcement action contentious disputes


6.6 Records of air monitoring for asbestos Where a health record is required at least 40 years from the date if the last entry

In other cases at least five years from the date of the last entry

6.7 Records of examinations, tests and repairs carried out in respect of exhaust or respiratory protective equipment under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR)


Five years Review for further retention in the case of enforcement action contentious disputes









6.8 Examination
/ report of defect for power presses
Two years Review for further retention in the case of enforcement action or contentious disputes SHRED/DELETE Yes
6.9 Records of water monitoring, inspection, testing, checks and control measures for legionellosis Five years from the date of the last entry


Review for further retention in the case of enforcement action or contentious disputes


7 Health and safety information – pupils  
7.1 Accident reports including first aid
/ accident book
DOB of the pupil involved in the incident + 21 years; or

Three years from the date of an incident which may become contentious if the pupil was 18 years old at the date of the incident

Review for further retention in the case of enforcement action or contentious disputes


7.2 Reportable injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences (RIDDOR) reports or own record Minimum statutory retention period is at least 3 years but, we recommend that the record is kept for DOB of the pupil involved in the incident + 21 years; or

Three years from the date of an incident which may become contentious if the pupil was 18 years old at the date of the incident

Review for further retention in the case of enforcement action or contentious disputes


7.3 Incident investigations and reports, risk assessments and other relevant documents where there has been an accident or incident DOB of the pupil involved in the incident + 21 years; or

Three years from the date of an incident which may become contentious if the pupil was 18 years old at the date of the incident

Review for further retention in the case of enforcement action or civil claims for personal injury


8 Generic health and safety records  
8.1 Risk assessments, records of health and safety arrangements, copies of policies and procedures

General records of health and safety auditing and monitoring including fire risk assessments, electrical testing, PAT testing and gas appliance testing

Training records and copies of instructions or information

Maintenance logs and / or records of plant and / or equipment plus safety manuals  / notices / instructions

Records of emergency evacuations and fire drills, fire safety risk assessments and fire safety policy / fire arrangements

These should be kept for as long as they remain relevant – we recommend at least three years (in the absence of a specific accident, incident, dangerous occurrence or notifiable disease) Review for further retention in the case of enforcement action or contentious disputes


8.2 Copies of documents, including health and safety files, prepared pursuant to the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 To be decided by the Federation – records should be retained as long as is reasonably necessary to inform on future construction projects at the Federation site SHRED/DELETE N/A
9 Insurance
9.1 Insurance certificates and schedules of cover Indefinitely N/A No
9.2 Correspondence with insurers related to specific accidents or incidents Three years generally

If the incident involved a pupil – DOB of the pupil involved in the incident + 21 years; or

Three years from the date of an incident which may become contentious if the pupil was 18 years old at the date of the incident

Disease claims or where there have been allegations of abuse – indefinitely

Review for further retention in the case of civil claims for disease or personal injury


10 Investigations, reviews and inquiries
10.1 Documents relevant to IICSA Indefinitely Review once the Inquiry has been completed. No – unless the school has received a formal notice from IICSA
10.2 Internal reports and investigations into accidents / incidents

Copies of reports submitted to external agencies / regulators such as Ofsted, Health and Safety Executive, Local Authority, Education and Skills Funding Agency etc

External reports, reviews, investigations and inquiries for example inquests and public inquiries

To be decided by the Federation

Where the investigation / inquiry / report has been necessitated as a result of a specific incident, we recommend that these documents are stored centrally for at least three years where there is a risk of enforcement action and / or criminal prosecution and / or a civil claim.  Where this relates to pupil DOB +21 years); or

Three years from the date of an incident which may become contentious if the pupil was 18 years old at the date of the incident.

11 Alumni records
11.1 We recommend that alumni should be treated as employees for the purposes of health and safety records.  Although this is not strictly necessary, (some of the health and safety requirements relating to employees do not apply to alumni), treating them the same can be considered good practice and may be more straightforward to implement in practice As set out in section 6 above As set out in section 6 above No
11.2 General alumni correspondence, membership forms etc Six years after the last time the individual contacted the Federation

This is subject to any longer retention period set out above or below.  For example, records relating to a reportable disease should be kept indefinitely.


11.3 Records of communication preferences (e.g. a record that an individual has asked not to unsubscribe from emails).



Will be kept indefinitely.


N/A No
13 Keeping information for longer  
13.1 Records which do not contain personal data, for example, old photographs of Federation buildings, title deeds etc Can be kept indefinitely N/A No
13.2 Records kept for reasons of archiving in the public interest. For example, such as old class photographs, lists of pupils attending the Federation in any given year, old Federation prospectuses, newspaper cuttings etc Will be kept indefinitely. N/A No
14                   CCTV, videos and photographs
14.1 CCTV footage These should be retained for as long as the operating system of the CCTV permits, but no longer than 60 days.



Review for further retention if the recording may be required for any reason such as in relation to an incident or accident involving any person.

CCTV footage may also be needed in relation to parental complaints, disciplinary matters, pupil exclusions, bullying incidents or health and safety matters.

If a subject access request has been made for the footage it must be retained.

The Federation should consider the relevant limitation periods for claims being brought against the Federation and seek advice as necessary.

14.2 Photographs of pupils for internal administration purposes e.g. to identify the pupil or photographs used on security passes These photographs should be retained for as long as they are required for the purpose for which they were taken. SHRED/DELETE

Review for further retention in the case of relevance to contentious disputes.

14.3 Photographs or videos of pupils taken for marketing reasons e.g. photographs for use in the Federation prospectus or a video of pupils on the Federation’s website These photographs and videos should be retained for as long as they are required for the purpose for which they were taken.

If the Federation would like to retain the images for archiving reasons please see the comments at paragraph Error! Reference source not found. of the introduction above.


Review for further retention in the case of relevance to contentious disputes.

14.4 Photographs or videos of pupils used as part of the curriculum e.g. a video of a drama lesson/ performance or as part of an art project These photographs and videos should be retained for as long as they are required for the purpose for which they were taken.

If the Federation would like to retain the images for archiving reasons please see the comments at paragraph Error! Reference source not found. of the introduction above.


Review for further retention in the case of relevance to contentious disputes.

14.5 Body Worn Video (BWV) devices used for staff safety and security purposes. Content captured on a BWV device should be retained until it is downloaded to a suitable secure location (normally the same day as the content is captured).

Downloaded content, held in a secure storage location, should be retained for 30 days unless the content needs to be retained for evidential purposes (See below).

Content which is retained for evidential purposes should be deleted after 6 months unless there are clear legal reasons to continue to hold it.


Review for further retention in the case of relevance to contentious disputes.

15 Governance Records
15.1 Minutes and paperwork of meetings: Members, Board, Academy Council, Sub-committees and Executive groups 10 years from the date of meeting

There is a requirement for meeting minutes to be signed (approved) before being stored. Typically, approval may be documented by virtue of the chair signing a copy of the minutes. Alternatively, minutes can be approved via email or by obtaining a digital signature. If either of the latter apply (minutes being approved via email or use of a digital signature) then the requirement has been met.


Review for further retention if the recording may be required for any reason such as in relation to the sponsor or conversion of an academy.


15.2 General correspondence Current school year +6 years SHRED/DELETE No
15.3 Statutory Books Current school year + 10 years SHRED/DELETE No
15.4 Register of Pecuniary interests for members, board and Councils Current school year + 6 years SHRED/DELETE

Review for further retention in the case of relevance to reported conflicts of interest and related party transactions.

16 Finance Records
16.1 Bank deposit records

Bank reconciliations

Bank statements

Petty cash records

Creditor’s invoices/credit notes – paper files

Creditor’s statements


Requisition records

End of Financial year + 2 years SHRED / DELETE Yes
16.2 Cheques and associated records

Creditor’s records and invoices/credit notes – electronic copies

Barclaycard statements


Trial balances


Receipt books

Cash register records and reconciliations

Revenue records

Debtor’s records and invoices/credit notes – electronic copies

Debts written off

Purchase order records

Asset registers

Depreciation registers

Financial statements

ParentPay, Tucasi etc. statements

Bursary payment records

Remittance advice


Nominal ledger payments

End of Financial year + 6 years SHRED / DELETE Yes
17 Payroll Reports
17.1 Salary records (copies from HR) End of Financial year + 2 years SHRED / DELETE No
17.2 Payroll journals End of Financial year + 6 years SHRED / DELETE No
18 Visitor Logs      
18.1 All records, both manual and electronic relating to sign in/out of visitors on CLF premises End of calendar year + 6 years SHRED / DELETE No
19 Covid Documentation
19.1 Covid Track & Trace Forms used to record onsite attendance in support of NHS Track and Trace The date the onsite visit took place + 21 days. SHRED / DELETE

See ICO Guidance –


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Minerva Primary School
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Minerva Primary School is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590