Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Statement

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Date Approved -
Review Frequency - Four years
Date of Next Review - September 2028
Full PDF Policy

History of Recent Policy Changes





Origin of Change

Sep 2024
Whole Document
Change of format to CLF
Origin of Change


Minerva Primary School, part of the Cabot Learning Federation (CLF), recognises and celebrates diversity within our student and staff populations and the communities we serve.

We are committed to advancing equal opportunities for all and eliminating discrimination on any basis, including disability, ethnicity, sex, gender reassignment, age (except pupils), marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, sexual orientation, and religion or belief (defined as Protected Characteristics) so that equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) underpin all we do.

Commitment to Equalities Act

We recognise the following duties under the Equality Act 2010:-

  • Eliminating discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act.
  • Advancing equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.
  • Fostering good relations across characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

Regardless of the statutory responsibilities the CLF recognises the positive impact that a cohesive and inclusive EDI strategy can achieve. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Ensuring that all students maximise their potential regardless of their background or characteristics.
  • Responding to the changing diversity of our students, communities or colleagues and the opportunities this presents.
  • Addressing under representation within the workplace and in particular within leadership positions. Broad representation is key to ensuring that both pupils and staff have positive role models to provide inspiration and ambition.
  • Deliberately pursing strategies to ensure fair and equal pay opportunities for different groups, including addressing the gender pay gap.
  • Harnessing the power and leverage of leadership within the Academy.
  • Celebrating the opportunities created through EDI.


EDI work and success at our Academy

During the academic year of 2023/24 we have ensured the Principal role includes responsibility for equality, diversity and inclusion. We have started our work with student groups through our Pupil Parliament, with a member of staff taking responsibly to lead, creating a celebratory and welcoming space.

Throughout all key phases and curriculum, the EDI agenda is being considered with it being embedded into PHSE. The CLF RE curriculum is being consistently used to deliver RE. We ensure texts are carefully selected in English so that Minerva Citizens access a diverse range of literature at all ages.

Termly sessions, targeted around current data and need, give opportunities for a wider curriculum and EDI awareness events and initiatives to be taught to depth in addition to the formal curriculum.

Improvements for SEND provision (both universal and specific bespoke provision) has been a focus for all staff, driven by our SENDCO. Ensuring that student need is communicated clearly, and information is up to date to ensure all students receive a bespoke education, no matter of year group or curriculum being taught.

We have continued to work to improve parent and staff communication, with termly voice being collected and feedback completed to identify strengths and areas for development.

Starting our work on effective communication and wider community focused projects, we have organised and continue to run Reading sessions for parents (and families) as well Maths sessions. We offer a Community Fridge among other initiatives to ensure strong links with our community. This has allowed us to develop better support for the local area and a greater understanding of the strengths and areas of need of our community.


Objective/Actions for 2024-25



Ensure communication method has clarity for staff and families and is accessible. This will ensure communications are able to reach all members of the MPS community and allow stakeholders from all groups to engage with the academy.


Raise awareness and understanding of EDI within subject and wider contexts with curriculum opportunities.


Create a sense of belonging for all members of our community by reflecting our community in the assemblies, curriculum, events and activities we provide.


How will this be achieved and by whom?

Our AIP this year continues to work within our 3 pillars. These underpin our ambition to serve the community. These pillars also focus on the partnerships that MPS will seek to foster over time so that the academy achieves its long-term goals.


We continually review our current communication practice with questionnaires to staff and families and will work with all staff to ensure it is accessible for all. Staff training and clear processes have been created in response to our stakeholder voice.

We are committed to raise the attendance and attainment of pupils with SEND. Ensuring communication of student needs and opportunities for training and development are available to all staff. We are focusing our work on trauma informed practice to ensure a sense of safety and belonging for all students and their families.


Celebration of our community both in and out of the school setting will allow us to explore EDI and protected characteristics through assemblies, pop up days and in class reflections. We hope to raise understanding and education around the protected characteristics to reduce the incidences of prejudice.


Closing Statement

At Minerva Primary School, we are committed to building a diverse, equitable and truly inclusive academy.

We will proactively be addressing these to the best of our abilities, whether this be in respect of recruitment, the curriculum or culture

  • Through the implementation of transparent policies, practices, and procedures;
  • Through appropriate training, development and experiences of all parties involved;
  • Through promoting these principles across the curriculum.

At Minerva Primary School, we recognise that supporting a diverse organisation is a continuous process where long term and sustainable plans are key.

We recognise that attracting, advancing, developing, engaging and retaining a diversity of talent is important; alongside delivering equity of opportunity for our students, staff and families whilst fostering an inclusive culture where differences are valued and enhanced. This is a continuous process where long term and sustainable plans are key.

Minerva Primary School holds a long and deep commitment to welcoming diversity, examples of which are embedded within our culture and demonstrated on a day-to-day basis throughout the school.

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Minerva Primary School is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590