Schools with 17 or more eligible pupils receive £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil. This will see money going directly to primary school headteachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children.
Schools must use this funding to make additional and sustainable improvement to the quality of PE and sport that we offer. This means that the premium should be used to:
– develop or add to the PE and sport activities that our school already offers.
– build capacity and capability within the school to ensure improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years.
Minerva Primary School vision for PE
Our vision is to provide quality physical activity opportunities both within and outside curriculum time which: consider the needs and interests of all pupils; promote positive attitudes towards participation in physical activity; enable pupils to develop a full range of basic movement skills; increase pupils’ knowledge and understanding of the importance of physical activity; provide safe and stimulating areas in which children can play and be active.
- To increase participation in local school tournaments and events and raise the profile of sports at Minerva Primary School.
- To ensure high-quality PE teaching – introduction of Real PE.
- To develop the competence, creativity, performance and healthy lifestyle of all the children in our school.
- To ensure that all staff have high quality professional competence throughout all areas of the PE curriculum.
- To offer a broad curriculum that inspires the children to participate in a wide range of physical activities.
- To give the children the confidence to compete against other schools.
- To create an appropriate and challenging environment that will enable every child to fulfil their potential.
- To make links with local sports clubs and the community to increase participation outside school.
- To raise the profile of PE throughout the school
How much and what do we spend our funding on?
Details of how the PE funding was spent last academic year, our plans for this year can be found in the documents below.
The PE Hub
Staff use The PE Hub, which is a complete PE resource packed with lesson plans, videos, music, printable resources, and assessment tools staff use in supporting them to meet Ofsted requirements and make PE more impactful for children’s learning.
The PE Hub supports us to deliver high-quality lessons by harnessing pupils’ natural enthusiasm for PE. We provide challenge and have high expectations with clear success criteria that help keep pupils on track.
The PE Hub has a huge range of progressive content for our teachers to use to design their curriculum. Building on a foundation of physical literacy in Reception, at KS1 children learn fundamental movement skills that prepares them for modified games at KS2. In addition to games activities, each year group has access to outdoor and adventurous activities and two units of gymnastics and dance, ensuring children’s learning is broad and balanced.