The Redstart Learning Partnership Multi-Academy Trust (“the Trust”) has overall responsibility for the provision of first aid to the Head of School, teachers, non- teaching staff, pupils and visitors (including contractors). The Trust understands that decisions about first aid are of paramount importance and will endeavour to ensure that any first aid incidents are dealt with appropriately and in accordance with this policy.
Together, we are committed to achieving the following objectives:
The Board of Trustees, Chair of Trustees and CEO carry the key responsibilities for assessing, recording and implementing the correct first aid procedures. They will do this by:
The Board of Trustees, Chair of Trustees and CEO have assigned health and safety responsibilities as follows:
The Operations Manager (OM)
Senior Leadership Team and Heads of School have the following responsibilities:
All other member of staff have the following responsibilities:
While school staff carry the main responsibility for the first aid provision, and the correct implementation of school policy and procedure, it is vital that pupils understand their role and responsibilities when it comes to the whole- school and themselves in order for staff to be able to carry out their roles effectively. As members of the school community, and allowing for their age and aptitude, pupils are expected to:
All Contractors working on Trust premises, or elsewhere on their behalf, are required to comply with relevant rules and regulations governing their work activities. Contractors are legally responsible for ensuring their own safety on Trust premises or elsewhere on the Trust’s behalf, the safety of their workforce and for ensuring that their work does not endanger the safety or health of others. Contractors will be required to demonstrate their competence and adequate resources to carry out specific hazardous work, prior to their engagement.
(see the TRLP Health and Safety Policy and the TRLP Risk Assessment Policy for further details)
An appropriate and effective risk assessment needs to be undertaken to assess what procedures need to be in place. The Trust will take steps to ensure that a risk assessment is carried out by a competent person or persons, and that the risks are recorded and communicated.
Risk assessments are stored in the TRLP Risk Assessment Drive and will be reviewed:
Risk assessment will be based on the size and location of the school, any specific hazards or risks on site, specific needs and accident statistics.
Specific needs include hazardous substances, dangerous machinery, staff or pupils with special health needs or disabilities.
Temporary hazards, such as building or maintenance work, should also be considered and suitable short-term measures put in place.
The risk assessment will determine the minimum number of trained first aiders required and the Trustees or Head of School will monitor this to ensure that these standards are being met.
First aiders will be recruited on a voluntary basis. The Trust will seek to advertise the position of first aiders to members of staff.
The school will ensure that all voluntary first aiders have undertaken the appropriate training with an organisation approved by the HSE and have the necessary qualifications (e.g. First Aid at work certificate). If required, training will also include resuscitation procedures for First Aiders will also be required to have an understanding of the reporting requirements set out in the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) and in the guidance for notifiable diseases in the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 and the Health Protection (Notification) Regulations 2010.
The school will monitor the expiration date of each first aider’s qualification and seek to arrange refresher training prior to this If this is not possible the first aider will be able to administer first aid for a reasonable period until the refresher training is complete and a new certificate administered.
All volunteer first aiders must report to the DoO or Head of School with any questions or concerns in relation to their post.
A list of current volunteer first aiders for the school is included in Annex A.
This list will be displayed in the main reception of the school and other appropriate areas and updated when necessary.
The roles and responsibilities for first aiders are as follows:
The school will have at least one fully stocked first aid container which will be marked with a white cross on a green background. The location of first aid equipment will be displayed around the school.
Each first aid container will contain, as a minimum, the following:
A travel first aid container must be taken on any off-site visits or trips. This includes sporting events, school trips and site A travel first aid container must include the following as a minimum:
All public service vehicles used by schools e.g. minibuses must have on board a first aid container with the following items contained:
The school will ensure that there is a suitable room that may be used for medical or dental treatment when required, and for the care of pupils during school The area must contain a wash basin and be reasonably near to a WC, it need not be used solely for medical purposes, but it should be appropriate for that purpose and readily available for use when needed.
Infection control and hygiene are of paramount importance and all staff and pupils will be reminded to follow basic hygiene procedures at all times.
Disposable gloves and handwashing facilities will be made available.
A first aid and accident record book will be completed by a first aider or other relevant member of staff without delay after an incident. Not all incidents or accidents will be reportable and first aiders will be trained to identify when a statutory report is required. In most cases a statutory report will be made by TRLP’s appointed health and safety competent For more details of the accident reporting procedure in TRLP schools, please see the TRLP Health and Safety Policy.
When an incident is reported the following information must be included:-
This record can be combined with other accident
The records will be kept for a minimum of 3
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) apply to schools. Most incidents that happen in schools or on school trips do not need to be reported. Only in limited circumstances will an incident need notifying to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) under RIDDOR.
Incidents involving contractors working on school premises are normally reportable by their employers. Contractors could be, e.g. builders, maintenance staff, cleaners or catering If a self-employed contractor is working in school premises and they suffer a specified injury or an over- seven-day injury, the person in control of the premises (Head of School) will be the responsible person.
The following work-related accidents must be reported to the HSE:
Reportable specified injuries include:
Some acts of non-consensual physical violence to a person at work, which result in death, a specified injury or a person being incapacitated for over seven days, are reportable. In the case of an over-seven-day injury, the incapacity must arise from a physical injury, not a psychological reaction to the act of violence. Examples of reportable injuries from violence include an incident where a teacher sustains a specified injury because a pupil, colleague or member of the public assaults them while on school This is reportable, because it arises out of or in connection with work.
Work-related stress and stress-related illnesses (including post-traumatic stress disorder) are not reportable under To be reportable, an injury must have resulted from an ‘accident’ arising out of or in connection with work. In relation to RIDDOR, an accident is a discrete, identifiable, unintended incident which causes physical injury. Stress-related conditions usually result from a prolonged period of pressure, often from many factors, not just one distinct event.
In the event of an accident or incident the following procedure should be followed:
The closest member of staff will seek the assistance of a qualified first
The first aider will assess the injury and undertake the appropriate first aid
If appropriate, the first aider will contact the emergency services and remain with the injured person until assistance arrives.
If deemed appropriate the first aider will contact the injured person’s emergency contact or next of kin.
The first aider or relevant member of staff will fill out the first aid and accident record book, report the incident on ECC Live (if applicable), and include the required details.
If it is judged that a pupil is too unwell to remain at school but does not require the assistance of the emergency services the first aider will contact the pupil’s parents or next of kin and recommend next steps to them.
When staff take pupils off the school premises, they should ensure they have the following: