We should be clear about the difference between a concern and a complaint. Informal concerns, taken seriously at the earliest stage, will reduce the numbers that develop into formal complaints.
The underlying principle is that concerns ought to be handled, if at all possible, without the need for formal procedures. In most cases, classroom teachers will receive the first approach and it would therefore be beneficial if staff were able to resolve issues on the spot, including apologising where necessary, so that concerns do not develop into formal In other cases, where the complaint is about the school but not from a parent/carer, it will be the Head of School that will receive an approach; again, it is beneficial if they can resolve the issue.
Formal procedures should only be invoked when initial attempts to resolve the issue are unsuccessful and the person raising the concern remains dissatisfied and wishes to take the matter further.
Our complaints procedure will:
At each stage in the procedure we will want to keep in mind ways in which a complaint can be It might be sufficient to acknowledge that the complaint is valid in whole or in part. In addition, it may be appropriate to offer one or more of the following:
Complainants will be encouraged to state what actions they feel might resolve the problem. An admission that the school could have handled the situation better is not the same as an admission of negligence.
We will try to identify areas of agreement between the We will also try to clarify any misunderstandings that might have occurred as this can create a positive atmosphere in which to discuss any outstanding issues.
If properly followed, our complaints procedure is expected to limit the number of complaints that become protracted. However, there will be occasions when, despite all stages of the procedure having been followed, the complainant remains If the complainant tries to reopen the same issue, the Chair of the Trust Board is able to inform them in writing that the procedure has been exhausted and that the matter is now closed.
However, should a complainant raise a completely new separate/different complaint we will respond in accordance with this complaints procedure.
Complaints need to be considered, and resolved, as quickly and efficiently as The complainant will be informed about the expected timescales associated with dealing with the complaint. Where further investigations are necessary, the complainant will be sent details of the new deadline and an explanation for the delay.
There are four stages to our formal complaints procedure:
When considering each stage of the formal complaints procedure the stages must be followed in order to progress to the next stage. Only complaints made at the correct stage in the process will be considered. If the complaint starts at the incorrect stage they will be returned to the complainant.
There may, on occasion, be the need for some flexibility; for example, the possibility of further meetings between the complainant and the member of staff directly involved and further investigations may be required by the Head of School after a meeting with the complainant.
Complaints about the Head of School will be dealt with initially by the
Complaints about the CEO will be dealt with initially by the Chair of the Trust
An unsatisfied complainant can always take a complaint to the next stage
The complaints procedure can be found following this policy guidance – Annex
The characteristics of a ‘frivolous’ or ‘vexatious’ complaint are:
This list is not exhaustive
We recognise that it is useful for us to record the progress of the complaint and the final outcome. A complaint may be made in person, by telephone, or in writing. Our complaint form can be found in Annex B. At the end of a meeting, or telephone call, the member of staff involved will try to ensure that the complainant and the school have the same understanding of what was discussed and agreed. A brief note of meetings and telephone calls will be kept and a copy of any written response added to the record.
As well as addressing an individual’s complaints, the process of listening to and resolving complaints will contribute to our school improvement. The monitoring and review of complaints by the school and the Teaching & Learning Committee (TLC) is a useful tool in evaluating our school’s performance. We can monitor the level and nature of complaints and review the outcomes on a regular basis to ensure the effectiveness of our procedure making changes where necessary. Complaint information shared with the whole Education Committee will not name individuals.
There is a legal requirement for the complaints procedure to be As a TRLP school we include details of our procedure in:
It is in everyone’s interest that complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage. The experience of the first contact between the complainant and the school can be crucial in determining whether the complaint will escalate. To that end, if staff are made aware of the procedures, they know what to do when they receive a complaint.
The ability to consider the complaint objectively and impartially is crucial. The school will respect the view of a complainant who indicates that he/she would have difficulty discussing a complaint with a particular member of staff. In these cases, the complaint can be passed directly to the Head of School, who can refer the complainant to another staff member, or will hear the complaint themselves (informally). Where the complaint concerns the Head of School, the complainant will be referred to the CEO.
Where the first approach is made to a member of the TLC, the next step would be to refer the complainant to the appropriate person and to advise the complainant about the procedure for making a complaint. TLC members will not act unilaterally on an individual complaint outside the formal procedure or be involved in the early stages in case they are needed at a later stage of the procedure.
The Head of School’s influence will already have shaped the way complaints are handled in the school. If the complainant was dissatisfied with the way the complaint was handled at stage one by a member of staff, the Head of School will hear, and investigate, the complaint. Although the Head of School can delegate the task of collating the information to another staff member, they cannot delegate the decision making or any action to be taken.
If the complainant is not satisfied with the response of the Head of School or the complaint is about the Head of School, the complainant should write to the CEO to request that their complaint is considered further.
Complaints would not be heard by the whole Education Committee at any stage, as this could compromise the impartiality of any Education Committee Member that might need to be on a panel associated with a complaint.
The complainant will need to write to the Clerk to the Education Committee giving details of the complaint and asking that it is put before the appeal panel. The Chair, or if the Chair has been involved at any previous stage in the process, a nominated Education Committee Member, will convene a complaints panel.
The appeal hearing is the last stage of the school-based complaints process and is not convened merely to rubber-stamp previous decisions. Members of the panel will be drawn from the nominated members (including Trustees) and will consist of three people. The panel will choose their own chair.
A panel of three Members of the Education Committee (or other Trustees if required), with delegated powers to do so, will hear the complaint. The terms of reference for the panel are to:
The complaints panel can:
Points to remember – there are several points which any Member of the Education Committee (or other Trustee) sitting on a complaints panel needs to remember:
The clerk will be the contact point for the complainant and is required to:
The role of the Chair of the Complaints Panel – is to ensure that:
Complaints against the CEO will be heard in the first instance by the Chair of the Trust Board.
If the complaint is not resolved at this stage, then a Complaints Panel will be convened consisting of three members of TRLP Trust Board.
The Communications and Development Manager as Governance Professional to the Trust Board will convene the complaints panel at the request of the Chair and in accordance with the procedure set out above.
Complaints against a member of the Trust Senior Leadership Team will be heard in the first instance by the CEO.
Complaints against a member of the Trust Board can be forwarded to the Governance professional who will refer this to an independent third party.
If the complaint is not resolved at this stage, it will be referred to the Chair of the Trust Board or independent third party and, if still unresolved, to a Complaints Panel consisting of three members of the Trust Board as set out above.
If the complainant is still dissatisfied with the outcome of the complaints procedure the final stage of appeal is that they have the right to contact the ESFA (Education Funding Agency). Complainants will need to be advised to write to the School Complaints Unit (SCU) at the DfE, 2nd floor, Piccadilly Gate, Manchester, M1 2WD.
The DfE will make sure that the complainant has exhausted all the local procedures and will then examine if the complaints policy and any other relevant policies were followed. The Department does not re-investigate the substance of the complaint. If breaches of policy or legislation are found the SCU will report them back to the school for action to be taken.
Following the outcome of stage 4 of this procedure, complaints regarding Academies may be considered by the Education Funding agency only in specific circumstances shown below:
The ESFA can only look at complaints about academies that fall into the following areas.
Academy Complaints and Customer Insight Unit Education and Skills Funding Agency Cheylesmore House
5 Quinton Road Coventry
School Name: | Daytime No: | ||
Pupil Name: | Evening No: | ||
Address: | Relationship to the pupil: | ||
Post code: | |||
Please give details of your complaint: | |||
What action, if any, have you already taken to try and resolve your complaint. (who did you speak to and what was the response)? | |||
What actions do you feel might resolve the problem at this stage? | |||
Are you attaching any paperwork? If so, please give details. | |||
Name: | |||
Signature: | |||
Date: |
School use
Date acknowledgement sent: By whom:
Complaint referred to: Date: