Effective communication is much more than the exchange of information. It is through purposeful and interactive communication that information is transmitted, understanding is developed and shared, trust is built, confidentiality respected and action coordinated. Communication includes not only the message but also how that message is communicated. Good communication promotes partnership.
This policy has regard to:
To ensure that Minerva Primary School is a thriving and successful school, we must communicate effectively with each other, with our pupils, with their parents and with other members of the wider community. We need to ensure that communications between all members of the school community are clear, professional, timely and appropriate.
All communications at Minerva Primary School should:
This section details the responsibilities of the different groups within the school.
Schools have many lines of communication to maintain: with parents and carers, other schools, the community and with outside agencies. Our aim is to have clear and effective communications with all parents and the wider community. Effective communications enable us to share our aims and values through keeping parents well informed about school life. This reinforces the important role that parents play in supporting school.
Whilst staff will always seek to establish open and friendly relationships with parents, they will also ensure that the relationships are professional.
To this end parents should always be addressed in an appropriate manner.
All staff should not accept friendship requests from parents on social media. All staff should follow the Trust’s Acceptable Use Policy and Code of Conduct.
We will try to make written communications as accessible and inclusive as possible. We seek to avoid bias.
E-mail/Text: The school has an e-mail/text system Scholarpack which it uses to communicate with parents. Any communication that needs to be sent to parents using this system must be approved by the Head of School. If a parent communicates with the school using email with a complaint or a matter that requires an action, a copy should be printed & filed. Staff should forward relevant emails from parents to the Head Teacher and should always do so if the content is a complaint. All e-mails requiring an answer should be responded to within 5 school days. E-mail communications concerning a child are stored electronically.
Telephone calls: Office staff will not interrupt teaching for staff to answer a telephone call unless it is an emergency.
Social Media Sites/Blogs: Staff are advised not to communicate with parents via social networking sites or accept them as “friends”. Staff will not accept pupils or ex-pupils as “friends” and follow the Trust’s Acceptable Use Policy and Code of Conduct.
From September 2020 there will be a home/school notebook which will be used to write weekly comments regarding the child’s social and academic progress and any significant achievements.
Written Reports: Once a year, we provide a written report to each child’s parents on their progress. This report identifies areas of strength and areas for future development. In addition a short summary of attendance and approach to learning id shared termly.
Parents / carers are given the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher/s twice during the year for a private consultation at a Parents’ Evening. We encourage parents to contact the school if any issues arise regarding their child’s progress or well-being. When children have particular education needs parents will be invited to meet with their child’s teacher and / or SENDCo more regularly. We will also make reasonable adjustments to our arrangements if this will enable a parent with a disability to participate fully in a meeting at our school, or to receive and understand communication.
School Website: The school website provides an opportunity to share information about the school and is an opportunity to promote the school to a wider audience. The website will include:
The website will be updated regularly.
A monthly newsletter is distributed via the children. This includes an update from the Head of School, news about each class and key dates.
We recognise that children’s protection is a shared responsibility, and that Minerva Primary School should provide a safe and secure environment. If any member of staff or parent / carer has concerns about a child, these will be passed to the Safeguarding Officer who may share this information with Social Services.
All parents / carers will ensure the school has their latest contact details, including telephone number and email address, if they have one, so they can be contacted in an emergency.
Where there is an incident that affects the whole school community then a message will be posed on the school’s website and a generic text message sent.
If the school is closed due to adverse weather then a note will be posted on the website and a text sent to all parents / carers. The local radio station will also be informed and the Somerset County Council website updated.
This policy will be monitored through on-going school self-evaluation. The Head of School will use a variety of methods (such as annual surveys) to evaluate this policy with staff, parents. Members of the Friends of Minerva will be asked of their views on this policy.